Mark Twain once said „The human brain is a great thing. It works from the moment you are born until you stand up to hold a speech." It does not matter, if you are a professional or a hobby musician, we all know the feeling of cold and trembling hands and the fear of a blackout. Your first step could be to admit this to yourself. Your next step could be to talk to me. As a professional coach I support you to find your individual solutions. Soon I will be publishing some more information how coaching works.
Since more than 40 years I play on the stages of the worls and from the beginning on I thought about how to master stagefright and play effortless and with joy. Most of he times I succeed, but I know how diffficult it can be. After my first observations on the topic I completed an education as trainer and coach. at the German organisation for employees (DAA) Soon after I studied at the Hanns Eisler university in Berlin physiology and psychology for musicians. Soon you can read more in my biography. One thing I can tell you right now: I am still learning...
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